Communication and Collaboration
Essential Question:
​How can mentors demonstrate effective communication/ collaboration? What skills are needed?
To recognize the foundations needed for developing effective collaboration and communication skills as a mentor
Identify the importance of collaboration and communication as a mentor
Identify skills necessary for effective communication
Identify skills necessary for effective collaboration

Communication is essential to any relationship. Mentors need to exhibit effective and regular communication with their mentee. A study conducted by Richardson (2017) found that communication was the one skill that was necessary for a successful partnership between mentors and mentees. Communication is foundation for effective communication and has several lasting benefits. To communicate with mentees, mentors should employ the 9 Effective Communication Skills. Explore these communication skills here.
Additional Resources:
Collaboration is integral for a successful partnership between mentors and mentees. According to DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, and Many (2006) teacher collaboration is a process that is meant to influence and impact each teacher’s classroom instruction to increase results on their team and in the school. Collaboration occurs through the analysis of student data, setting goals, and sharing strategies (Eaker, DuFour, & DuFour, 2002). According to DuFour (2004), “building the collaborative culture of a professional learning community is a question of will. A group of staff members who are determined to work together will find a way” (p.5).To foster collaboration with mentees it is important for mentors to first address mindsets that could hinder progress and create barriers. Naisbitt (2006) addresses 11 mindsets that can transform one's life. “Mindset #4: Understanding how powerful it is not to have to be right” (Naisbitt, 2006, pg.33) is important in mentorship because in order for mentors/mentees to understand and embrace one another as a collaborative culture, they have to understand that the desire to be right shackles you, “once you experience the power of not having to be right, you will feel like you are walking across open fields, the perspective wide and your feet free to take any turn” (Naisbitt, 2006, pg.39).
Reflect and Review
How can you, as a mentor, develop effective communication and collaboration with your mentee?
Record your response on your Mentoring Novice Teachers response sheet. (Note: This is the same response sheet that was downloaded during the Initial Thoughts section. )