Building Trust
Essential Question:
What essential components are needed to build trust between mentors and mentees?
To build a clear understanding of trust and the role it plays in the relationship between a mentor and mentee
Define trust
Examine the building block for developing a trusting relationship
Identify tools and strategies for working with mentees

Video Reflection Questions
Who are the most trusted teachers in your building?
Anticipate how you will show you care for your mentee?
What are the values you have set for yourself? How do you display those values in your day to day actions?
What are your next steps in establishing trust with your mentee?

Trust is the ability to believe in a person or thing with confidence. Trust is a key component in an organizations success and increases productivity. The video below describes the three drivers of trust; ability, benevolence, and integrity. Mentors who have established trust have gained the confidence and belief of the mentee.
Behaviors that build trust
Shares (thoughts, opinions, ideas)
Speaks frankly and directly
Acts an equal
Accentuates the positive
Acts calmly under stress
Act authentically
Offers empathy
Fair and accurate
Freeing and allowing
Empowers and builds people up
Treats people as individuals
Adapted from: Shea, G.F. (1999). Making the Most of Being Mentored: How to Grow From a Mentoring Partnership .
"Building Effective Mentoring Relationships, 2009)
"Without communication there is no relationship,
Without respect there is no love.
Without trust there's no reason to continue"
Author Unknown
Reflect and Review
How trustworthy do you think you are? Take the quiz here.
Record your response on your Mentoring Novice Teachers response sheet. (Note: This is the same response sheet that was downloaded during the Initial Thoughts section. )